One of the questions I get asked the most is what is in? What is the style everyone seems to be going with? I think what popular right is now is the mix of old & new; shiny & dull; rustic & classy. When we put these elements side by side we create an energy and interest in a space. I also see a bit of glam being added in. Just a little bit of sparkle mixed with earthy elements. A little bit of crystal and/or glass mixed with rough woods & metals. It is like the rustic lodge & industrial revolution meets the Classic Hollywood glam.
We are seeing a lot of that with the restored barn, shiplap and pallet woods…old style Chicago brick, subway tiles, and metals. Adding these rough-hewn wood panels adds texture to the walls. Some of key points to pulling this look off, besides the color choices, are the accents. Elements like the hardware, lighting, decorations, and accessories. I tend to look at these elements as the necklace on a dress and the tie on a suite. You can either make or break the look with these elements. Think about using some natural fiber rugs, like jute or sisal, to warm up your floors while hiding dirt. Use galvanized pipe to create shelving giving you that modern rustic look. They are easy to build, inexpensive to create and adds the industrial style to virtually any space, from a living room to a kitchen to a bathroom. Add some life to your space with plants. Don’t have a green thumb? Think about using wildflowers, which are beautiful, easy to find, and oh yeah, FREE, if you know where to look. Just find an interesting simple glass vase or bottle to put them in. Vintage blue glass or demijohn bottles make great art pieces for these wildflowers with no green thumb needed.
Whatever your style is, I can make recommendations beyond what we handle at Waterplace. I am a designer with over 27 years in this business, who is passionate about design. I want to share that passion with you and your project.